Cast + Creative

Yeena Sung

writer + performer + producer

성예나/ Yeena Sung
 is a NYC-based actor and singer-songwriter with passions ranging from writing, drawing, and videography. Originally from South Korea, Yeena is an empathetic storyteller dedicated to exploring questions on home and ancestral identity, and generates art that embraces her in-between identity as a Korean/Korean-American. Her most recent work includes writing for her one-person show, “Welcome to my R(ㄲ)oom”, soon to have its world premiere at Edinburgh International Fringe Festival. Her favorite theater credits include To the Ends of the Earth (JACK), Where Women Go (HERE), The Great Leap (Arc Stages), Twelfth Night (Classical Theatre of Harlem), and Hi-Fi, Wi-Fi, Sci-Fi (La MaMa Downstairs). Film/TV:  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Younger, Happy Cleaners, and Clique Bait. You can listen to her most recent single on Spotify and Apple Music. Graduate of Columbia University (MFA) and NYU Tisch School of the Arts (BFA). 
IG: @_yeenasung

Chaesong Kim

director, co-designer

김채송 / Chaesong Kim (she/they) is a theater director and performance artist wrestling with the concept of "kind rage." It is a practice, tendency, and sentiment that recontextualizes inherited and embodied pain into taking care, allowing time, and creating braver and safer spaces. Within such communal, imaginative, and rebellious work, Chaesong seeks to share stories that fall through boundaries, and hopes to find joy and empowerment through togethering – utilizing somatic, dramatic and interdisciplinary practices. Currently, she is devising the eleventh iteration of an intermedia project in incessant development since 2017, She Walks the Air, with the support of LMCC Creative Engagement Grant. Recent credits: Alien Play by Carolina Đỗ (The Makers’ Ensemble Short Play Festival at The Tank), Other Utter Utters in Order with Anthony Sertel Dean (En Garde Arts), She Walks the Air I-X (Bearnstow, Seoul Dance Center, and EstroGenius Festival, and others), Lazarus 1972-2022 by Ping Chong (La MaMa), Ma, Go by Ariel Urim Chung (Playwrights Downtown), SERIALS! by the Fled (The Flea Theater). MFA: Columbia University.

Michael Y. Kim

Anthony Sertel Dean


Anthony Sertel Dean (he/they) is a sound artist, educator, and technologist focused on telling stories of community and self. Anthony’s work can be heard in theater (Kennedy Center, New Victory Theater, Public Theater, The Kitchen), film (Film at Lincoln Center, Busan International Film Festival), radio (WNYC), and gallery installations (Fridman Gallery, Half Gallery, Swiss Institute). They have taught at Wesleyan University and multiple NYC public schools. They are the technical director for The New York Neo-Futurists and creator of their podcast Hit Play. Anthony holds an MFA in Sound Art from Columbia University. For more, visit

stage manager

Michael is a Korean-American director based in New York who is drawn to narratives that span a wide range of genres but ultimately depict the nuances of one’s desires to feel accepted in this world and the intricacies in which they present themselves in everyday life.

He hopes to challenge perspectives and impart moments of sincere introspection. He believes that empathy is the most powerful force in the world and hopes to share that through his films.

His films have screened at festivals such as New York Shorts International Film Festival and DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon. He has also produced films that have screened at Hawaii International Film Festival, CAAMFest, Tide Film Festival, and Fargo Film Festival.

He has previously studied Creative Producing at Columbia University and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics with a focus on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from Harvard University.
email:, IG: @kimchimichael

additional collaborators

Yeeji Sung
Assistant Stage Manager

Andrea J. Wang
Poster Design